Unique Freshwater Species of Fish for Your Aquarium

Unique Freshwater Species of Fish for Your Aquarium 

Looking for peculiar species of freshwater aquarium fishes? Check this out!

Some people always want something different, something extraordinary or something unique. Some aquarists look for peculiar fish for their tanks. Purchasing any of these distinctly unique freshwater fishes will surely make your aquarium attractive and extraordinary.

Zebra Pleco

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The Zebra Pleco is not colorful but has a unique pattern similar to a zebra, hence the name. This species of catfish is commonly found in Xingu River, a tributary of the Amazon River. This fish was exported from Brazil in great numbers. The Zebra Pleco is definitely not one such fish and would do better on a more carnivorous diet. It will prefer plenty of hiding places, subdued lighting, and quiet company.